A Noise Noise Noise business card placed on top of a cinderblock in a stylist image shoot.
An Animation showing the Noise Noise Noise logo mark animating in stages with broad line strokes.A typographic animation that shows the Noise Noise Noise logo moving as if it is being broken up by sounds waves.
An image of a streetwear store interior with the Noise Noise Noise branding applied in a construction tape style around the image.
A Noise Noise Noise business card placed on top of a cinderblock in a stylist image shoot. With some tin and mirror materials in the background as well.The Noise Noise Noise color palette, featuring a neon green and an electric purple as the main colors, followed by a series of grey tones.
The Noise Noise Noise logo and logomark in black and white.The Noise Noise Noise logo and logomark in black and white.
A series of stationary design pieces that feature the Noise Noise Noise branding. Including a letterhead, some silver packaging and a construction level.
The Noise Noise Noise typographic system, featuring glyphs from the FK Grotesk typeface.
An image of a streetwear store interior with the Noise Noise Noise branding applied in a construction tape style around the image.

Noise Noise Noise

Branding, Art Direction, Motion Design

A specialized retail design and brand activation studio

Blair Cooper,
Monish Khara

Noise Noise Noise (NNN) is a specialized retail design and brand activation studio with a global perspective and a localized touch. They work with brands to create environments and activations that challenge the normality of everyday retail. NNN's architecture is designed with bold form, materiality is juxtaposed - the soft with the hard, the matte with the reflective, the new with the old, angular vs. linear line.

This was reflected in the Art Direction and photography chosen for the presentation of this project. NNN was looking for a rebrand that helped express their distinct Design language as well as their bold personality. The solution lied in the Typography, with a bold and expressive face that acts as the microphone for NNN's unique work.